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My first post

(from 04/02/2019)

I’ve been thinking for a long time what should be my very first post. I’ve been on hold- this idea of setting up my website was somewhat daunting- what am I going to write about? What should be name? The posts? The photos? I’ve been thinking for a very long time of the small details, not the big picture. I think a lot, and I don’t act merely enough.

Obsessed with making everything perfect, I often find myself with leaving things undone – giving up, because there is no way I can be good enough and compete with these super-talented creative master-minds.

In the world where we constantly compare ourselves with others, against the ‘standards’ that are photoshopped and carefully create/articulated =- there is no shortage of people who think that they are not good enough- not enough pretty, rich, famous, smart. We can put ourselves in any comparison chart we like, depends on what we want to focus on, but the reality is that the scale against what we measure is a self-made scale. Unless you’re an athlete who competes against others to beat World’s records at sports- then there is no way you can compare yourself to anyone. The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And perhaps the most beautiful thing is to feel free, completely detach yourself from the social media competition and strive to be a better person – whatever you do – do your best. Just do!

So here I am, years later after travelling the World, I have spent more time on the airplanes than I have with some of my best friends. The obsession with flying slowly fading with each painful narrow uncomfortable long-haul seat I found myself at/in.

Taking photos and videos, making notes and learning about different cultures. Saving pins on google maps of the must see, eat, do and sharing my travel tips to the ones who kindly ask.

I have been wanting to start a blog but it sounds so mainstream nowadays. I would be embarrassed to say that ‘I am a blogger’ .

I always like to do things a bit differently but I’ve been turning my head, looking around for long enough, avoiding the obvious, what’s in front of me – that is the passion for travel! Yes, they all say that. Thousands of them!

These bloggers and influencers who does not encourage me. What am I going to be- just one of those wannabes claiming to be a travel blogger?

Get on with the program, honey..

Be creative I kept saying to myself and if you want to do this- make sure you make it perfect!

Meanwhile I am aware that no such thing as perfect exists.

And so yesterday, as I was walking down the beach here in Bali, Canggu. A place that will never (mark my words- never ever) make it to ‘top 100 most beautiful beaches in the World’ – I found myself absolutely speechless – watching the sun set at 6:44pm showcasing an evolving artwork in the sky, that kept changing the colors, getting more and more beautiful.

Batu Bolong, where I find myself returning to over and over again over the last year is possibly one of the most special places to me. I’m saying possibly just to leave some reserve/place for judgement but it is leaving me speechless and making my heart race, meanwhile feeling safe and content.

How much longer can I think about ‘the perfect first post’ and perform the pointless exercise of comparing myself to others? Run your own line, and do your best, Don’t try and find ‘the best beaches in the world’ – show the world something more meaningful, something that is truly you, something that doesn’t fit into any frames and doesn’t follow or meet certain standards.

The intention of this blog is to share my journey. Maybe you like it or not, perhaps you will think it’s ridiculous for me to think that anyone would be interested in reading what I have to say. I will avoid being motivated by what others think, I will be motivated by my own burning ambition – to share the story- through photos and through words.

What are the best places to visit when in Bali? Or what is the story of a mother of 3 kids, living in a traditional house hold in Bali.

I intend to keep consistent and transparent- not compare myself to anyone else and do this because I love this- as much as I don’t want to follow the crowd of travel bloggers and be one of them. Here I am, not better than anyone, but better for myself.

Do whatever that sets your soul on fire and be patient.

See where the road takes you. Sometimes the time after sunset is more stunning than the sunset itself.

6:42 pm


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