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Birthday Postcard

"Maybe we’re meant to stay a little broken, a little incomplete, and a little imperfect so there’s room for growth, so there’s room for people to pour their love, their lessons and their warmth into us and make us feel whole again, even if it’s for a little while.

Maybe we’re not meant to heal completely from things and, just like a river, a small ripple of pain or happiness in our lives is supposed to keep us going a long way. Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe life isn’t about “winning” or “losing” but gaining—experiences, love, relationships..

I know that I want everything figured out. I hate uncertainty of the path ahead. I get uncomfortable when I think about how blurry my future is. But the best experiences in life are outside of our comfort zone.

Maybe that’s what I’ve gotten wrong this whole time. I shouldn’t look at life as a journey for betterment but a journey for growth, whatever that looks like."


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