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Autumn Message

The leaves drifted silently to the ground, crushed beneath the heavy footsteps.

The air was crisp, and the days were getting short.

The exhilarating energy and light of the long summer days had whizzed through,

and the season of change was upon us. This year, perhaps, more significant than others.

We slowed down, quietly looking at the World, at the life around us.

We didn’t get on the anticipation train that would speed through the time, taking us someplace ‘better’.

We were forced to slow down, to stay here. Here now.

Some refusing the change, fighting the system; some in anxious denial.

But eventually we let go, settle, and accept the circumstances.

It’s not a declaration of defeat.

It’s light shining upon us, illuminating the darkest corners of our beings.

Autumn is painfully beautiful.

As we watch the trees letting go of the beautiful leaves, we can’t help but reflect on ourselves – how often are we willing to let go of something that is part of us? Something that is inherently in us? Our routine, our character, our job, our values, our friends. We are defined by so many things that eventually limit us, and we are so afraid of letting go.

There are no guarantees and there is nobody to reassure that something better

will take its place.

So we watch the trees.

Nature teaching us how to let go, so bravely forever embracing the change.

Trust the timing of your life!


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